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The Benefits of Safety Pool Covers for Families with Children in Dubai


Swimming pools have become an integral part of modern residential properties. In the warm climate of Dubai, it offers a comfortable space to relax through the evenings. It is the perfect ambiance around which parties, barbecues, and other leisurely activities can be conducted. Moreover, it adds value to properties. However, there is one potential threat posed by swimming pools. It is the chances of drowning which is particularly concerning to families with children.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is among the leading causes of death among children aged 1-4 years globally. This warrants the necessity for implementing a safety mechanism in place. This is why a swimming pool cover Dubai has relevance for families with children. The following sessions will further analyze this benefit along with some other advantages that advocate the installation of a pool cover.

Safety Benefits for Families with Children

Prevention of Accidental Drowning

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) further strengthens the chances of drowning among children. It highlights that drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death among children aged 1-4. Meanwhile, a study conducted by the American Journal of Public Health mentions that barriers such as pool covers reduce the risk of drowning by about 83 percent.

Peace of Mind to Parents

To cite another study conducted by the Non-Profit Organization Safe Kids Worldwide, about 69 percent of parents worry about their child drowning when they are near a pool. This makes it difficult to leave their child without surveillance when they are at work. This seems to affect their mental health. This is where a swimming pool cover UAE seems to give peace of mind to parents.

Other than these safety benefits some other reasons also make pool covers appealing to families.

Maintenance Benefits

Pool covers keep leaves and other debris out of the pools. This helps for easier management of better water quality. The chances for algae and bacteria accumulation are also reduced. Moreover, less debris reduces the wear and tear of the pool filtration systems.

Cost and Energy Benefits

The nights in Dubai will be cooler. This requires heating arrangements for instances such as a late-night party. Fortunately, there are swimming pool cover Dubai that are designed to absorb daytime heat to maintain optimum water temperature through the night. Here these systems help to save energy and reduce utility bills.

Another perspective is regarding the evaporation of water. Pool covers are reliable solutions to prevent water wastage through evaporation. Thus water conservation and reduction in water supply bills are ensured in a single shot.

Health Benefits

Contaminated water is a breeding ground for bacteria. So swimming pool covers by keeping debris and contaminants reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses. This is especially beneficial for children who are more vulnerable to diseases.

Thus swimming pool covers in Dubai offer safety, cost savings, and better health for families especially the ones with children and pets. Now that you have become aware of the benefits of pool cover as well as its relevance to protect your children it is time to choose a fabricator who can deliver quality pool covers. In this direction, Light Metal offers exceptional quality along with a variety of pool covers from which to choose.

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